
Screen Pixel Ruler is a on screen ruler that can assist in measuring elements from web pages, documents or software which does not implement a native ruler. Based on .NET Core 3.1 and inspired by MioPlanet PixelRuler, this software is supported on Windows 7 and higher.

This software is free and open source; licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.


  • Global hotkeys to trigger functionality when other software is in focus.
  • Rotatable vertical or horizontal ruler. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + R
  • Customizable ruler themes.
  • Freezable position. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F
  • Guideline system that can lock the mouse cursor horizontally or vertically
  • Position 0 of the ruler to the current cursor location. Ctrl + Shift + Alt + S

A list of all shorcuts can be found here.


Screen Pixel Ruler can be installed from either the Installer or via Chocolatey Package Management by running the command choco install screenpixelruler. Both the installer and package will install the .NET Core 3.1 runtime if it is not present.

Providing feedback

You can report bugs or request features by opening an issue on the GitHub repository. Any contributions are also welcome and can be done by creating a pull request.